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Hello September 🍂

Hi guys,

Can you believe it's September?! 

I always think September feels like a mini-new year.

It's a chance for a refresh, and to focus on the last part of the year ahead.

Maybe you set goals in January and want to relook at them and see how far you've come or simply to begin a few that you forgot about or put off. 

Did you have a strategy or plan for your business in January? What does that look like now? If things have been challenging, how can you use this to seek out the opportunity in it.

Now is the time to be booking clients in until Christmas or New Years so that they get the appointment time they want and that you have secured yourself bookings up until then. 

We have a midterm to remind our clients about that might be going on vacation or staycation about. So get those social media posts going!

Have you though about how you can earn more by prepping some great retail for the festive period. Vouchers are great and handy but it can really impact your cash flow in the new year. Retailing products, gift solutions for all budgets is a much more effective way of getting extra sales in your business and can be a great incentive for your team too. 

I'd love to know your thoughts on retail? Do you love it, hate it, struggle with it? Let me know below, if its a common hurdle I will help you with some solutions. Remember the treatment isn't over until the client has their home-care plan and retail product in their hands! ;)

With only four months left of this year, 2023, let's focus, dream big, work hard and have no regrets at the end of December,

Ellen x


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